Day: June 20, 2023

How to prepare your roof for winterHow to prepare your roof for winter

With the weather as warm and pleasant as it has been recently, it is easy to forget about the freezing temperatures, sleet, snow, and ice that come when the winter moves in once again.

It will be here before you know it, however, and whilst it is nice and warm out this is the perfect time to carry out annual roof maintenance and ensure that your home is in the best possible shape for the challenges to come.

The winter brings all sorts of challenges to your home, with snowfall, high winds, and freezing temperatures that your roof must deal with to protect you and your loved ones from the elements. Roof repair at this time of year can be tricky and could leave you shivering and uncomfortable in your own home for days at a time. In this blog, we will look at the best ways for homeowners to prepare their roof for the winter and ensure that when the nights do begin to lengthen once again your roof remains strong and resilient to all that the Scottish winter can throw at it.

We have compiled information from experts who conduct roof repairs Glasgow on a daily basis and know exactly what it takes to keep your roof in top condition 365 days of the year.

Top tips for winter roof preparation:

Have your roof inspected

There is no way to know what work, if any, needs to be done on your roof without having it inspected. Almost all roofing firms will offer roof inspections and the report that they provide should be used to inform your decision making on any further work you have done.

It is worth doing your own visual roof inspection from the ground, examining the side of the roof and looking for any obvious missing tiles or loose flashing with binoculars. Only an up close inspection will be able to tell you for sure if anything is wrong, however, and this should only ever be conducted by a professional roofer.

Have your gutters cleaned

Over the past winter, leaves and other debris may well have gathered in your guttering. If you allow this problem to get worse over the summer/autumn you may well see all sorts of problems cropping up next year. Blocked gutters can lead to a build up of water on your roof, increasing the threat of leaks and structural damage as a result of increased weight. If water does get trapped in your gutters and then freezes, this extra weight that is in them may well cause them to detach and come away from the side of the property.

You should check both the gutters at the top of your house, and the downspouts on the side, as both are susceptible to blockages.

Trim tree branches

Tree branches growing over the top of your roof is a very serious safety hazard and you should arrange for a landscaper to come and safely trim them back as soon as possible. If these branches fall in the winter, either as a result of the added weight from snow and ice or due to a sudden storm, the damage that will be done to the roof itself is likely to be significant and could even lead to a new roof being required.

There are a variety of other reasons why keeping tree branches away from your property is essential including preventing pest species such as squirrels from being able to get onto your roof and inside your attic.

Prepare for the worst

At the end of the day, taking all of the precautions mentioned above will significantly reduce the risk of roof problems during the winter months. Sometimes, however, there is nothing that can be done to prevent roof repairs being required. Storm damage, for example, cannot be avoided so it makes sense to take certain precautions to ensure that you are not caught out.

Make sure that you have some tarpaulins on hand somewhere in the property and prepare a winter emergency kit so that if you need to stay warm when your roof has been compromised you can. This kit is not only useful for roofing issues but also handy to have around in case your heating system breaks or you find yourself struggling to stay warm for any other reason during the cold winter months.

Winter weather in Scotland doesn’t always play ball, and can often be unforgiving and pretty brutal. Roofing issues will make the whole experience a whole lot worse but by taking the simple precautions that have been mentioned in this article you and your loved ones will stay warm, comfortable, and well protected from the elements. Get in touch with a professional roofing company this summer for more information.